Thursday 8 December 2016

Target Audience

Who is the target audience of your product?

The short film industry seems to have it’s own target audience being somewhat a genre of it’s own. Although many people may come across short films every now and again there is a niche audience made up of mostly film makers and fans of independent films who follow the industry. With this in mind short films do not reach the majority of the population, so the target audience has already been narrowed down to creative/artsy types who interested in independent productions.  I would say that my target audience includes mature teenagers and adults; being a documentary, the plot being relatively complex may need a certain understanding of film, it's a serious topic and would have to be taken seriously and with an empathetic approach and appreciation for the art of short film, the general tone and language used would perhaps be difficult for younger audiences to understand and engage with, who may find it dull or boring.

How does your product engage with the audience?

The film should engage the audience by being an intriguing story line that makes them want to keep watching and with the sense of realism and real psychology the audience will perhaps relate the film to something within their life, wanting to understand more about the character, his story and why he is the way he is.

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