Thursday 8 December 2016

Prop List

For our coursework, as our two main locations of filming are a house and a busy street in a city centre, we do not require many props. We plan to use the natural environment of the busy city centre and the small slightly overgrown cottage house. We do not want to add anything into the environments. This is because we are making a documentary-style short film so we want it to come across as realistic, and not as if we have placed things within the environments so that it looks real. However, we do require a couple of props for certain scenes. These are those props:

  • Car - We need a car so that the interviewer can drive to David's house in the documentary. The car we will use is a Hyundai Getz in red. This is Jasper's car, therefore it is always available for us to use whenever we want to film. Furthermore, as Jasper will play the interviewer it is the easiest car for him to drive.

  • The other main prop we will require is a load of drawings of the person in David's dream to stick on David's wall. This is to represent David's obsession with this person in his dream and finding him. Above are the pictures we drew of the person from multiple angles to stick up on the wall of the house.

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