Sunday 4 December 2016

Final Idea

Since we decided to change our idea from a music video to a short film we have a had a few rough ideas. However, now we have a final idea.

Our final idea is a documentary-style short film focusing on a man named David who has spent his life searching and waiting for someone he met in a dream. Our documentary will feature an interviewer following David around for a day, seeing his daily routine in his search for the man he met in his dreams. This stems from our original idea of the blur between reality and dreams and some people not being able to tell the difference between what they're dreaming and what will actually happen in reality.
The documentary will feature the interviewer going to David's house to see how he lives as a result of his beliefs in his dream being reality. The interviewer will also get to know about his actual condition/belief. David will also take the interviewer into the centre of a city (in our documentary it will be Norwich) which is where he dreamt he met this man and where he goes every day to wait for him. Our documentary will also feature an interview with a psychology a-level teacher (who we will introduce as a university professor in the documentary) explaining some of the actual science behind how the brain reacts to dreams and how it can somehow confuse it with reality. It will also feature an interview with David's nephew or younger brother on how it has affected David and his interactions with his family.

All scenes of interviews/talking with David and any other characters will be linked to eachother by voice overs of the interviewer.

We are aiming to make the style of the short film/documentary very much similar to the style of Louis Theroux's documentaries where he follows round people who are the subjects in his documentaries. Not only this but we plan to use very similarly planned shots in the same way that Louis Theroux does.
This is our final idea and how we plan to achieve this idea and now we can focus on planning, storyboarding, filming and making the short film/documentary.

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