Thursday 15 December 2016

Rough Final Script

So far, we have planned out some direction for the interviews e.g. some questions and topics to discuss.

Above details some of the questions we have come up with for the interview with Mrs Edmunds. The interviews need not be long and as Mrs Edmunds already has knowledge in the field of psychology, we left it up to her to think about what she might say. We discussed with her a few pointers (as detailed above), but left the topics vague. We want our documentary to be as real as possible. We feel keeping Mrs Edmunds' script flexible will help towards that goal.

Above are the basic questions for Toby. These will be the basic topics for the interview. Toby will play our main character's younger brother.

We have also drafted a rough script for the rest of the film. We want to keep it simple and rough, and let our actors run with it. This worked really well when we filmed Mrs Edmunds' interview. Below is the rough script.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Prop List

For our coursework, as our two main locations of filming are a house and a busy street in a city centre, we do not require many props. We plan to use the natural environment of the busy city centre and the small slightly overgrown cottage house. We do not want to add anything into the environments. This is because we are making a documentary-style short film so we want it to come across as realistic, and not as if we have placed things within the environments so that it looks real. However, we do require a couple of props for certain scenes. These are those props:

  • Car - We need a car so that the interviewer can drive to David's house in the documentary. The car we will use is a Hyundai Getz in red. This is Jasper's car, therefore it is always available for us to use whenever we want to film. Furthermore, as Jasper will play the interviewer it is the easiest car for him to drive.

  • The other main prop we will require is a load of drawings of the person in David's dream to stick on David's wall. This is to represent David's obsession with this person in his dream and finding him. Above are the pictures we drew of the person from multiple angles to stick up on the wall of the house.

Target Audience Continued

1. How will your ancillary tasks help attract your target audience? 

The ancillary task such as the CD digi-pack as well as posters will significantly help attract our target audience. The design of the case should be original and showcase bright and vibrant colours which will catch the audiences attention. Within the CD case a small insert will be made which will list song names, related imagery and lyrics. We could also create a poster to help further promote the band and music video. The poster will be either A4 or A3 in size and will be printed onto glossy paper for a premium finish. All the products made should be consistent in colours schemes and font types. This is to keep everything recognisable across the different media platforms.

We had already completed this post before changing our minds and deciding to switch over and create a short film... For short films the ancillary task includes a magazine feature and a film poster.

A film poster will help to attract the target audiences by being technically successful; eye catching and clear. It needs to be bold, visually/aesthetically appealing to look professional and it must accurately reflect/relate to the film. The magazine feature will showcase the film, it must stand out and the style must relate to the poster in terms of imagery, colour scheme and font, a large image (perhaps illustrated rather than photograph as this can be more exiting to look at) and snappy title will entice many audiences to continue reading the article.
Furthermore, we could set up social media accounts to further promote the brand. Social media is perhaps the best platform to showcase the music video as it is instant and effective, being accessible for everyone. This could also be set up quickly and easily, meaning we could update the pages and posts to advertise the final product and gain audience feedback. 

By creating these ancillary products we will be able to extend the marketing of the music video and reach out to a wider range of people. The ultimate goal for the ancillary task is to mirror the media industry process from creating the idea, filming the video to selling the product to the consumer. If these products are made well will be able to gain more profit which would realistically go to the band. This is part of synergy, where each marketing campaign and process promotes another leading to more awareness of the band and its identity. 


For our short film/documentary there are two main locations; the house which is meant to be David's house where the interviewer will meet David and speak to him. The other main location is the place that David dreamt he met this person and where he goes to wait for the person every day.

For David's house we looked at a couple of different locations, two in Hethersett, one in Wymondham, both of which were either houses of friends or one of our own. However two of these three houses we looked at were very typically suburban and on larger estates surrounded by many other houses. One of them was a smaller cottage, although it was surrounded by other houses it looks way more of an individual house and has an overgrown garden. This we felt was a perfect setting for David's house. This is because, due to his mix up of reality with dreams, we wanted to portray David as not quite your normal person and therefore we required a house that did not look like an every day typical suburban house on an estate. In addition, the overgrown garden we felt we could use to show how David's dream of meeting this person has overgrown into a reality for him and, like the overgrown garden, has got a bit out of control. Also the house is quite simply decorated so if we wanted to decorate it in any particular way or add any props into the house it would be relatively easy to do. This is what the house looks like inside and out:



Furthermore, the house is in Hethersett so it is easily accessible to us all making filming there easy. 

Our second location we are using is central Norwich. This will be where we film the scenes in which David takes us to the place that he dreamed he met the person. We decided to go for a busy place like central Norwich rather than a secluded place as we wanted to show that you could wait in a sole place all your life for someone who may never come whilst everyone else around you moves on in life without waiting around - that is what reality is like. Therefore, we needed a busy place where we could easily show lots of people moving. Norwich is the closest big city to where we live and the centre can get very busy and so we felt this was perfect to film this part of the short film/documentary. In particular, we were looking at filming around Gentlemen's Walk and outside the City Hall.



Any interviews we do we plan to do in an empty class room with a dark wall, this is so that it will be quiet and so that if we use lighting efficiently the dark background will look very good and similar to what you would see in a real documentary.

All these locations are quite close to each other and are all easy to reach for all members of the group. In addition myself and Emma both drive so we can also provide transport for any actors we decide to use. Also as all locations are near each other it is likely that the weather will be very similar at all locations.

Target Audience

Who is the target audience of your product?

The short film industry seems to have it’s own target audience being somewhat a genre of it’s own. Although many people may come across short films every now and again there is a niche audience made up of mostly film makers and fans of independent films who follow the industry. With this in mind short films do not reach the majority of the population, so the target audience has already been narrowed down to creative/artsy types who interested in independent productions.  I would say that my target audience includes mature teenagers and adults; being a documentary, the plot being relatively complex may need a certain understanding of film, it's a serious topic and would have to be taken seriously and with an empathetic approach and appreciation for the art of short film, the general tone and language used would perhaps be difficult for younger audiences to understand and engage with, who may find it dull or boring.

How does your product engage with the audience?

The film should engage the audience by being an intriguing story line that makes them want to keep watching and with the sense of realism and real psychology the audience will perhaps relate the film to something within their life, wanting to understand more about the character, his story and why he is the way he is.

Monday 5 December 2016

Initial Character Profile

The Psychologist - This character will be the brains behind the documentary, what she says will give weight to what we are saying. Essentially, like nearly every documentary, we need someone to explain the 'science' behind our main character and his condition. We thought for this character we would get a psychology teacher as they will have the knowledge already to talk about any condition our main character might have.

The Main Character - Documentaries tell a story, and so, with the nature of our documentary, it might be that the audience develops a relationship with the main person. It is likely they will feel sympathetic towards them, and this is likely what we will try to achieve.

The Family Member - Again, this character will help to add weight to the documentary, a bit of emotion. This may make the audience more sympathetic towards the main character, or depending on how they answer the interview questions, may help the audience to see a different side to the situation e.g. is the main character actually quite cruel to obsess over his search and cut off his own family?

The Presenter - This person guides the whole documentary, it is important that they are engaging and get the audience thinking. It is this person that will find out the information from each person we interview as well as take the audience on a journey.

Sunday 4 December 2016

Audience Feedback: The Concept

We chose to ask some people our age what they thought of our idea for our film. We then presented the general themes we found on a poster:

Final Idea

Since we decided to change our idea from a music video to a short film we have a had a few rough ideas. However, now we have a final idea.

Our final idea is a documentary-style short film focusing on a man named David who has spent his life searching and waiting for someone he met in a dream. Our documentary will feature an interviewer following David around for a day, seeing his daily routine in his search for the man he met in his dreams. This stems from our original idea of the blur between reality and dreams and some people not being able to tell the difference between what they're dreaming and what will actually happen in reality.
The documentary will feature the interviewer going to David's house to see how he lives as a result of his beliefs in his dream being reality. The interviewer will also get to know about his actual condition/belief. David will also take the interviewer into the centre of a city (in our documentary it will be Norwich) which is where he dreamt he met this man and where he goes every day to wait for him. Our documentary will also feature an interview with a psychology a-level teacher (who we will introduce as a university professor in the documentary) explaining some of the actual science behind how the brain reacts to dreams and how it can somehow confuse it with reality. It will also feature an interview with David's nephew or younger brother on how it has affected David and his interactions with his family.

All scenes of interviews/talking with David and any other characters will be linked to eachother by voice overs of the interviewer.

We are aiming to make the style of the short film/documentary very much similar to the style of Louis Theroux's documentaries where he follows round people who are the subjects in his documentaries. Not only this but we plan to use very similarly planned shots in the same way that Louis Theroux does.
This is our final idea and how we plan to achieve this idea and now we can focus on planning, storyboarding, filming and making the short film/documentary.

Saturday 3 December 2016

Idea Research

To try and get some inspiration for an idea for our short docu-film we asked a group of year 8 students on what they dream about. This is because we knew we wanted to base our docu-film on dreams and the brain in some way but we weren't 100% sure on how to do this. We spoke to a class of year 8 students and got them all to write down something they dream about. Some responses were about ridiculous things however the most common theme was people dreaming about meeting someone, whether it was meeting David Beckham or superman it was still a very common theme. From this we managed to come up with the idea of what if someone has a dream, meets someone in the dream and the becomes fixed on trying to find this person in real life. Although the idea didn't come directly from the research we did on dreams, it definitely stemmed from the research we gained and the common themes seen in the dreams. In addition if we based our idea on something that people commonly dreamed about then it could make our character more relatable to people as they too have dream about meeting someone and perhaps woken up thinking what if that person is real. We felt this made our docu-film more relatable and engaging.

This is all the research we gathered.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Shooting Schedule

These are the schedules for when we plan to shoot all of our documentary:
Psychologist interview - Friday 9th of December 2016
Child interview - Monday 9th of January 2017
Main documentary shooting - Tuesday 10th January 2017

The main section of the documentary we are going to attempt to shoot all in one day, this is because the actual documentary only focuses on following the character for one day in order for the weather to be the same and the actor to look the same.