Monday 6 February 2017

Shot List

We tried to use a variety of shots during filming, but at the same time we did not want anything to look overly staged, as we were creating a documentary.

Some of the shots we used quite frequently were;

  • tracking shots - where we followed behind our presenter or walked with our presenter and subject as they talked.
  • pull focus - this is where we changed the focus from one thing to another in a single shot. We did this a few times and it helped to make our clips more dynamic, as well as added emphasis to different things.
  • rule of 3 - this isn't a type of shot exactly, but we did think about the composition of our characters within the frame e.g. when they are sat on the bench talking and during the time lapse
  • time-lapse - we did two of these and they worked well, this is where a long period of time is sped up into a few seconds.
  • close-ups - this is where the camera zooms in close to a person, usually the face. We did this during the city location. This added more emotion to our film.

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