Tuesday 24 January 2017

Filming Review


Filming went well. It took us a few hours to do, due to the change of locations but I think we managed our time efficiently.

We had to do shots several times, either because of our actors laughing or we felt we could get a better shot if we did it again or did it differently. We had one day of filming and then 2 shorter clips were filmed on another day.

In terms of getting our actors comfortable while filming, the technique of letting them run with a general idea of what we wanted to be said worked really well. This meant there was no pressure on them to remember lines and it stopped them sounding wooden, this was important as documentaries are supposed to be real life.

Problems We Faced
We did not have too many problems. The main issue we had is that after we had finished all our filming, we realised we did not have a clip for our first voiceover. We managed to sort this out pretty quickly however and decided that a quick time lapse of a sun setting (to relate to night and dreams) would be a suitable filler clip for an introduction.
The only other problem we had was our actors settling into their character. Henry struggled at first to get to know his character and execute it, but he got into it pretty quickly.

Poster Designs

 Outcome 1

 Outcome 2

The top image is the photographic outcome, I then went on to edit it in adobe illustrator using the image trace setting to create this effortless illustrative poster outcome. I can't decide which outcome is more successful as the first you can see the people and the street with much more clarity but I prefer the over all aesthetic of the illustrated version. I think this outcome reflects the style of the documentary with the hazy colour scheme and the overlay reflects the jumble/confusion within his mind, showing him in deep thought and him sitting in his spot with many people passing him by. I have chosen to keep the text very simple and modest, I decided there was no need to put in ratings or advertisement as our film is more a piece of art than a film for the mass and will attract its own audience regardless
Outcome 3

Stills from Filming